I think we can definitely all agree that having to get new tires can be a real bummer. It costs a substantial amount of money, it’s often not a planned expense, and you have to take time out of your busy schedule to do it.
Now I’m not saying there aren’t good planners out there who have money set aside and know exactly when they’re going to proactively replace their rubber. I’m just saying that for most of us, that’s not the case.
The more likely scenario is that you recently had a blowout or got a flat and the shop then informed you that all of your tires are looking a little worse for the wear.
It seems to come out of the blue, but when you think about it, you’ve probably been driving on those tires for years without a problem. They’ve served you well, and now it’s time for them to be put to rest.
But it can be tempting to try to eek things out until your next paycheck or decide to run your rubber into the ground in an effort to put off the inevitable.
What you should know is that tires actually matter a lot. And swapping out your worn ones for a fresh set has a big impact. Here are four reasons why putting off making an appointment at one of the
tire dealers in Cincinnati is not a smart move.
First and foremost, your tires play an essential role in the safety of your vehicle. If yours have been driven on for so long that they’ve seriously deteriorated, you may be putting yourself and your passengers at risk.
You have to keep in mind that each tire is supporting a quarter of the weight of your vehicle. That’s a lot of weight. So if any of your tires is compromised, it can become a big deal pretty quickly.
Your tires give you the ability to grip the road, turn safely, and stop in a reasonable amount of time. If they’re practically bald, they’re not doing any of those jobs well, and that means you are in danger.
When you put it in perspective, shelling out the dough for a new set after five or six years of good use is a small price to pay for your personal well-being.
Have you been racking up a higher bill than usual at the pump? It probably has to do with your tires. They keep your car moving smoothly, but if they’re worn down unevenly or not balanced properly, you could be wasting lots of money on fuel.
When your tires are off for any reason, it makes it more difficult for your vehicle to keep consistent contact with the road. And because the vehicle is working harder, it’s using more fuel.
So if you’re thinking that stretching out the life of your already impaired tires will help your financial situation, think again. It’s likely that you’re putting excessive cash into the gas tank without even realizing.
When your tires have good tread, are balanced properly, and are filled to the proper pressure, you can feel the difference in the way your car drives. It feels smooth and composed.
And when your tires are damaged or bare, you probably feel vibrating, pulling, etc. The ride is less pleasurable, and your vehicle’s performance is subpar. A car’s tires also aid its suspension, meaning that driving will feel uncomfortably bumpy and erratic when the rubber is worn out.
Make the most of your driving experience with high quality tires. You car will be able to efficiently deliver power to each of the wheels, and in turn, the tires will put it to the pavement.
Getting maximum traction from your tires affects pretty much everything related to driving. First, it ensures that you remain in control of your vehicle even when faced with tough conditions like snowy or slushy roads.
Tires with the proper amount of tread help pass water and snow through so your car stays grounded as you drive. Without that tread, the rubber just spins on wet surfaces, and you can quickly find yourself in a scary situation.
Even when the weather is perfectly fine, having tires that are in good condition still serves a purpose. Your car handles more capably, giving you a much more satisfying ride and reducing fuel consumption.
Okay, Okay, I Get It
Hopefully you now have a better picture of how critical your tires actually are. And you should also know that there are steps you can take after purchasing new ones to help preserve them.
If you want to keep your fresh rubber in the best shape possible, here are a few tips:
- Keep an eye on that pressure. Be sure to check and correct it monthly.
- Have your tires rotated. Changing positions can help ward off uneven wear and ultimately lengthen each tire’s lifespan.
- Do a monthly tire inspection too. Look for uneven wear, cracks, or blemishes. If you catch any of those red flags, consult your local tire dealer to find out what steps to take.
- Pay attention to how your car feels. If you notice any shaking or dragging when you’re on the road, it’s likely that your tires may be the culprit. Again, you’ll probably want to schedule a service appointment to investigate further.
By building those simple checks into your regular routine, you can identify tire problems early on and correct them before any unnecessary wear or damage occurs.
It’s worth putting in just a little bit of time because it can significantly extend the life of your rubber, giving you more bang for your buck.
Most importantly of all, remember not to ignore any issue that you think may be related to your tires. Nothing is worth risking your safety; that’s why it’s always better to remedy the situation right away.
If you think that it’s time to replace your tires, get in touch with your nearest tire dealer and make an appointment. When your car is riding smoothly again, you’ll be really glad you did.