How To Get The Best Deal On Tires
Are you getting the best deals on tires when you visit the local tire store? Probably not. If you look at an invoice from your typical tire store there are so many hidden costs (not really hidden because they are listed at various places on the invoice) that the deal you think you got is not really the deal you got at all. Most people when calling for a tire quote ask how much for a set of tires mounted and balanced. The price is x. Then they call around until the find the price that sounds the best and, typically, that is where they make their purchase. I look at these bills daily and I see a tire price, a mount and balance price, and multiple $3 and $4 charges that add up to $30 to $40 per tire, over and above the tire and install price. They fixate you the tire price and by the time you are finished, you fail to notice all the $3 and $4 charges. By the way, what exactly is a tire monitor service kit for $4? Our service team sees 25,000 to 30,000 cars a year and we’ve yet to sell 1 tire monitor service kit. The safest place for all of your vehicle needs is the Dealership. The myth that dealerships are too expensive is exactly that: a myth. McCluskey Chevrolet guarantees the lowest tire prices, and we do not sell tire monitor service kits. We provide free road hazard and no hidden charges. McCluskey Chevrolet will meet or beat any advertised special. If you need a tire monitor service kit we can recommend multiple tire stores in the area. If you need tires at the guaranteed lowest price give us a call.
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