Discount Brakes?
One of the most important systems on any vehicle is your brake system. Everyone claims to be the “So Called Expert” but here are a few warning signs to look for before having someone repair your brakes.
All repairs are dependent on the age and mileage of your vehicle. If your vehicle has 100,000 miles or less and a repair facility is telling you that you need to replace the calipers, rotors and the pads you should get a second opinion. Most calipers will last the lifetime of the vehicle if they are serviced properly when having a brake repair performed. Rotors can be machined back to true 2 or 3 times before needing replaced and brake pads are dependent on the driving styles.
The safest place to have your brakes repaired would be at your Dealership.
Contrary to popular belief the Dealership will be cheaper and will use factory parts. The average front brake job should be in the $200-$250.00 range. McCluskey Chevrolet guarantees the lowest brake prices.
So before you have one of those budget brake repair places in a box that used to sell mufflers now they do brakes (somehow I do not see the parallel!) try to sell you parts you do not need visit your dealership!
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