What Type of Automotive Customer Are You?

August 1st, 2018 by


When walking into a dealership for used cars or any business establishment really, you need to realize that every customer has their own personal shopping style. Not only should a dealer learn to identify and respond correctly to every type of customer, but you as well should understand what type of customer you are in order to get the best service possible.


New Nelson

Sometimes you are just new to the world of used cars and could use a little extra guidance to get you started. If you are feeling like a New Nelson, the best approach is to locate a dealer to get the basic information from such as how the used car buying process works, and then come back later when you have thought more deeply about what you truly want. It is also always good to use the same dealer you discussed the process with before.


Looking Luke

Sometimes you just want to take your time and look at what your used car dealership has to offer before even thinking about what you want. This is fine and sometimes an essential part of the process for people. If this is you though just make sure you politely inform any dealer who attempts to scope you and let them know you will be sure to get THEM when you have any questions so that no resentment will grow between you two. Most dealers will be respectful of this as long as you tell them.


Bargain Betty

Everyone has a little Bargain Betty in them, especially when shopping for used cars, that being said some customers make buying cheap an art form. If you only go to car dealers that are having clearly advertised sales and have left more negotiation desks than you can count you are probably just very set on price and price alone and should always let the dealership understand that.


Mission Michelle

Some people are just on a mission when they step into the used car dealership, although what that mission is isn’t always clear you can tell that what they want is not up for negotiation. If this is you because you just are the type that knows what they want, a good suggestion is to look online and go in knowing the dealership has what you are on a mission for.


Informed Irvin

Some research, and other completely drawn in facts, figures, and every automotive statistic they have ever seen or heard. Informed Irvins are the type of customers that will test every piece of knowledge the dealer and dealership as a whole has. They will know everything about the vehicle they have been looking at and will be there to confirm the vehicle is as good in person as it is on paper.


Steady Stan

If you are the customer that always returns when you need your next used car, maintenance, or just some advice you are probably the automotive customer that dealerships love the most. You are that loyal customer they dream of and as such you will probably be treated like royalty or at least with an extra wide smile and maybe even some snazzy finger guns. If your dealership has been good to you, then being a Steady Stan will be to the advantage of both you and your used car dealership.


Used Car Misconceptions

No matter what kind of customer you are, you are still prone to misconceptions about buying used cars. So, let’s clear up a few of the biggest used car misconceptions.


Used Car Dealers Are Not All Shady and Greedy

Don’t let the media fool you into believing everyone is out to get you. Sure some healthy skepticism is great when buying a used car, but you also need to trust yourself and try to believe in your own judgment and accept the help of an informed dealer when they offer. The used car is on trial, not the person selling it, because they are not the one you will be going home with, hopefully. This may be a business looking to get money, but that doesn’t mean that everyone can’t work together to get what they want from the dealWhen walking into a dealership for used cars or any business establishment really, you need to realize that every customer has their own personal shopping style.


New Cars Are Not Better Investments

New cars not only cost more in basic price, but they will also cost you a larger down payment, higher Insurance cost, and bigger monthly payments. On top of that, the depreciation is insane considering the second you drive them off the lot they depreciate in value by almost 40%.


Used Cars Do Not Have Worse Features

You can still get a used car with the features you desire and even add in ones that weren’t available for a reasonable price.


You Can Always Check Vehicle History

Not only can you check it, but it’s actually very easy to do with a VIN. You have the right to know what the car has been through and it should always be one of the first things you do when you find a used car you like. If a used car dealer goes against this then just find a new dealer because that is not how this business should work.


Cosmetic Flaws Are Not That Costly

When it comes to those little dents or scratches, you may feel the instinct to just walk away from the used car, but honestly, this may be a hidden gem. Most costs to repair small cosmetic flaws will be in labor, but considering many people will ignore and “ugly” car you will probably be saving from it becoming a discounted vehicle. Honestly, a bumper or door paint job will often cost less than $500.

Overall, knowing what kind of customer you are and helping your dealer understand that will make the process ten times easier for all involved. At McCluskey Chevy, we want to help you in a way that feels most comfortable to you. So, whether you are a Bargain Betty or Looking Luke, just be aware and always share.

Posted in Used Cars