Where to Buy Dump Trucks: Pros and Cons
Anyone looking to buy a dump truck, whether you are just starting out with a new business or looking to expand your fleet, has a lot of choices and options available these days. There are numerous dealerships, websites and private individuals all with dump trucks for sale. Cincinnati has a lot to offer in terms of vehicle retail, and with so many options available it can be difficult to decide where, exactly, to buy a dump truck from. Your situation and your needs will likely guide you to one place or another with dump trucks for sale in Cincinnati, but it can be helpful to know what benefits and drawbacks each type of seller has. A dump truck is a pretty big investment, so you want to make sure you not only get the best value for your money, but that your investment is protected. For the most part, you can typically find dump trucks for sale either from a local professional dealership, an interstate dealership, or directly from a private individual with a listing on a website.
Buying from Private Sellers
One of the easiest ways to find dump trucks for sale around Cincinnati is to look at postings made by private individuals with a truck to sell. In the past, this was more difficult and often required looking in newspapers and similar publications, often for weeks or months. Now, however, everything can be posted online, and there are many different websites used by private sellers to post vehicles for sale.
Perhaps the biggest advantage of buying a dump truck from a private seller is the cost. Most individuals are willing to sell their truck, especially if it is older, for much cheaper than you could possibly find at a professional dealership. These types of sales are also usually pretty simple – contact is made from the buyer to the seller, they can discuss price and other arrangements, and then the sale is made. The internet has made finding dump trucks for sale in Cincinnati from private individuals much easier than ever before, complete with pictures and vehicle details before any contact is made.
When considering any dump trucks for sale in Cincinnati from private sellers, however, it is important to keep in mind some serious drawbacks and dangers of such a purchase. For one thing, most private sellers are only interested in selling the dump truck for their full asking price up front. If you do not have all the cash to buy the truck right now, then a private seller is usually not a good choice.
You don’t get any kind of warranty from a private seller, and dump trucks they offer are typically sold “as is,” with no opportunity for a return or exchange if you quickly discover any issues. You might be able to take a dump truck from a private seller to a 3rd-party mechanic to inspect the vehicle before making a purchase, but this is certainly not guaranteed. Without a warranty, if you discover a serious mechanical issue with the truck after buying it, you’re on the line for whatever repair costs are needed.
Private sellers also don’t have requirements for the kind of information they have to offer about the vehicle. Services that provide information about used cars and trucks can be helpful, but these are only as accurate as the issues reported to them. You also cannot choose a brand new vehicle from a private seller, so you are going to have a somewhat limited selection with no choice of options or additional features to look at.
Interstate Dealerships
The internet and modern transportation has made large, interstate dealerships quite popular. These dealerships are often located in a state at a location that is close to one or more other states that border it. They can sell vehicles to buyers across state lines, who only have to drive a few hours to the dealership and purchase a new or used vehicle.
Large interstate dealerships with dump trucks for sale near Cincinnati can be an excellent choice since they usually have a very expansive selection. These dealerships might offer both new and pre-owned dump trucks, giving you lots of options to choose from, and new models include many available features and potential upgrades. Because of their wide-range appeal, these dealers can sometimes offer lower prices and their salespeople know about many different rebates and offers available to keep the price low.
As a dealership, these locations have manufacturer backing and typically offer warranties and other plans on all their vehicles. New dump trucks with warranty coverage are a sound investment, and certified pre-owned vehicles give you the savings of a used truck with a warranty similar to a new vehicle. You can also choose from available options and features on a new vehicle that might not be possible on a used truck.
Large interstate truck dealerships might not always know about any regulations or laws you should be aware of in your area, such as tax rebates or additional fees for commercial trucks. You might have to pay for these things after the fact, and not knowing about them could result in additional fees or penalties if you don’t take care of them.
Perhaps the biggest issue with choosing a dealership not in your state is the distance between you and them. The initial purchase requires that you drive a long time, sometimes hours, to get there and go through the paperwork necessary to buy the truck. If you have any issues that require you go back to the dealership, such as taking the truck in for maintenance, then this distance can become an ongoing problem.
Local, Professional Dealerships
Just like in the past, there are professional car and truck dealerships that still exist and focus on serving local customers within the general area. These dealerships often have strong foundations and bonds within the community, since their customers are friends, neighbors, or other people they might see around town. Choosing dump trucks for sale in Cincinnati from a dealership is often a great way to make sure your investment is protected, while not having to go too far to make your purchase.
A local dealership that offers vehicles such as dump trucks for sale in Cincinnati is a great choice for a number of reasons. These dealerships are usually well established and have been around for decades, often owned and operated by members of a single family. This makes it easier to know the history of the people you are buying from and ensure you can count on them being there for years to come.
You get warranty coverage and similar programs available from a local dealership, and you know that if you need to go there to make a payment or for service, then they are not too far away. Different payment and financing options are typically available from a professional dealer, and they know about any state or city programs or rebates you might be able to capitalize on to reduce the price of your truck. You can also typically choose from new and pre-owned vehicles at a dealership, and new dump trucks might have available options you won’t find elsewhere.
Staying local can potentially limit some of your choices since you have to choose from what the dealership has available already. In some instances, you might be able to have them get a dump truck shipped in for you, but this is not always the case. Trucks may be more expensive at local dealerships compared to private sellers, but that tends to come with warranties and other services. Bottom line, make sure if you are buying local, you are buying at a dealer big enough to have the selection you need and a professional staff that has experience in commercial vehicles.
1 comment(s) so far on Where to Buy Dump Trucks: Pros and Cons
I’m glad that you explain how laws and regulations can be different depending on the area you live in. This would be important when using a dump truck dealership or if you’re renting one. Renting a dump truck from a local company would be a great option if you only need it for a single project and don’t have the training on how to properly drive and use the vehicle so it can be handled by an experienced and qualified professional.