Man Has Valid Excuse For Crashing Into Area Taco Bell

June 14th, 2012 by

Fast food is the guilty pleasure of the nation. Nothing tastes as good as a late night indulgence of mystery meat, grease, and special sauce. There is a dark side though (aside from the whole ‘terrible for your body’ thing.) Nothing feels as bad as getting home and cracking the bag to find the wizards at the drive-through forgot your precious double cheeseburger. It’s enough to drive a man to madness. In fact, let us here at your Used Chevrolet Dealer Ohio tell you about a recent incident where one man said, “ENOUGH!”

Michael Smith, a 23-year-old from Huber Heights Ohio, was arrested earlier this week for charges of felony vandalism. It was just after midnight when Mike went through the drive-through at his local Taco Bell. He got his order and stopped to eat it in the restaurant’s parking lot. However, when he checked his bag, he noticed that he had been shorted one of his 99 cent tacos. This was an injustice that he would not, could not, overlook.

Mr. Smith decided to take action and stand up for his rights. He turned his large, white truck towards the restaurant’s entrance and proceeded to drive into it at full speed. The glass burst inward and the metal frame of the doors buckled. He then backed up his truck and fled the scene, leaving a trail of quickly leaking transmission fluid. The police followed this trail from the Taco Bell all the way to Mr. Smith’s home, where he was promptly arrested.

It may seem a trifle dramatic, but anyone who’s ever gotten home and discovered they’re missing a cheesy gordita crunch knows, it’s the ONLY response.

Posted in Car Corner