

Facebook Fugitive On The Lam!

August 16th, 2012 by

It’s safe to say that pretty much everyone loves social media.  Its exponential growth over the past decade has been astonishing to watch.  This interactive medium first took root in teens and has since blossomed into ubiquity, encompassing vast swatches of people from all demographics.  Currently, the industry leader in both users and dollars is…

Posted in Chevrolet

Gunning For The Moonwalk

August 9th, 2012 by

During the course of human history, there have been some pretty good dances invented.  The Waltz, the Tango, and I think at one point everyone even liked the Charleston.  Even if we count some shameful dances (the Macarena, we’re looking at you) we’re in pretty good shape overall.  There is one dance move more powerful…

Posted in Chevrolet

More Cowbell? “No!” Says Australia.

July 24th, 2012 by

How many times have you heard someone yell, “more cowbell”? It has universal appeal…or so we thought. Let us here at McCluskey Chevrolet, your  Used Car Dealer Cincinnati, tell you about one man who is being punished for his love of that wonderful instrument. In the Australian town of Stallhofen, a farmer has been ordered…

Posted in Chevrolet

Hot Wheels Double Loop!

July 5th, 2012 by

Did you own Hot Wheels as a child? If you did, you know there’s nothing more thrilling than the death-defying DOUBLE LOOP! The sheer drama of the two cars sharing the one track, the anticipation of not know who will be the first one through, the ever present danger of a crash; all these things…

Posted in Chevrolet

Woman Follows GPS Onto Golf Course!

June 28th, 2012 by

In this day and age, there aren’t a lot of people who know what the word cartography means, never mind what a cartographer does. All the mystery has been taking out of maps. Why would anyone need to know how to navigate using an old paper chart when they can get turn by turn directions…

Posted in Chevrolet

Bus Monitor Bullied To Wealth

June 26th, 2012 by

Bullying is a growing problem in today’s society. You continuously hear stories about kids and teens getting picked on and pushed until something terrible happens. The common wisdom is to never resort to violence, the appropriate course of action is to bring the bullying issue to an adult. What happens when the adult is the…

Posted in Chevrolet

Brave New World For The Camaro

June 19th, 2012 by

The Chevy Camaro has become an American icon. You’ve seen it at the Indy 500, you’ve seen it at the Daytona 500, you’ve even seen it on the roads near your home (if your lucky!) But now, Chevy is preparing to send the Camaro into a brave new world. Let us here at your Chevy Silverado…

Cincinnati Reds Bullpen Surprise

May 22nd, 2012 by

The Reds bullpen has looked amazing this year. It’s a good thing that they went out and spent the money on Ryan Madson, because the production that they are getting is keeping them in every game. Wait, hold on a second, he’s been injured all year. So it turns out Cincinnati has been doing it…

Posted in Chevrolet

One Awesome Car For Man…

May 10th, 2012 by

People pay a lot of hard earned money for dumb things, this is something we all know.  It’s especially true when it comes to celebrities and historical figures.  You watch any of the fifteen pawn shop shows now on cable and you’ll see people shelling out thousands for Whitney Houston’s hair brush, Millard Fillmore’s putter,…

Devouring The Evidence: A Hang Gliding Story

May 8th, 2012 by

There are a lot of things you can do to implicate yourself in a crime.  You can flee the country.  You can mutter cryptic remarks under your breath like, “they had it coming.”   You can even return to the scene with those creepy, shifty eyes.  However, we here at your Chevy Dealership Cincinnati want to tell you,…

Posted in Chevrolet

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McCluskey Chevrolet in the Kings Automall
9673 Kings Automall Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45249

McCluskey Chevrolet Used Car Superstore
435 E. Galbraith Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45251
McCluskey Chevrolet 39.29866, -84.307.